
+216 99941193
+216 98171490
Centre El Khalil , Bureau 141, 2010 Manouba

Custom VBA Applications for Project Management


Regardless of the size of your organization and your industry, managing a portfolio of projects can quickly become a nightmare without the right tools. In the market, there are several standard IT solutions dedicated to project management, allowing control over the various phases of a project's lifecycle:
  • Launch
  • Planning, execution
  • Monitoring and closure
Existing Solutions
However, these solutions begin to show gaps when you want to move beyond theoretical concepts and establish a customized process that takes into account the specificities of your profession and environment. This is where companies reach out to us to design and implement tailor-made solutions for end-to-end project management, incorporating their methods and philosophies while adhering to universal project management standards. Contact our experts. We will highlight two examples of our achievements :

Example 1 of a Customized VBA Project Management Application

- Our client is a multinational company that manufactures and assembles machinery in the pharmaceutical sector.
- They have 11 sites across four continents.
- Project management for construction needs to be centralized in a single multi-user, multi-site tool.
-The client already had their own simple Excel file-based management system, developed over several years of experience.
- Our mission was to design an Excel VBA application that could organize the work method, structure the data, and maintain the same operational approach already in place.
Use cases
The outcome was highly satisfactory, and the application allows for:
        a. Creating, modifying, and deleting multi-site projects.
        b.Assigning resources (personnel & machinery) to each         project.
        c. Visualizing a workload plan based on various
        analytical criteria (site, date range, professions, expertise).
        d. Visualizing a Gantt chart based on various
        analytical criteria.
        e. Managing the purchase of machinery.
        f. Viewing a comprehensive dashboard based on various        analytical criteria (site, date range, professions, expertise).
gestion de projets VBA Excel

Example 2 of a custom project management VBA application

- Our client is an organization that manages artistic events (concerts).
- Their activity is very specific.
- The application to be developed will be used by 40 people, and the Excel database must be accessible via the internet.
- The client already had their own simple Excel file-based management system, developed over several years of experience.
-Our mission was to design an Excel VBA application that could organize the work method, structure the data, and maintain the same operational approach already in place.
- The outcome was highly satisfactory.
Application Usage
The application allows you to:
a.        Create, modify, and delete events.
b.         Control overlaps between different events.
c.         Track the budget for each project (planned, actual, and variance).
d.         View a budget summary by cost center, department, and project.
e.         Create a detailed schedule for each project (schedule for equipment transport, sound, lights, and venues).
f.         Assign teams to each project.