
(+216) 71603370
Centre El Khalil , Bureau 141, 2010 Manouba
Enhance your proficiency in Excel VBA to unlock new professional opportunities!

By learning the fundamentals of VBA programming, you can automate repetitive tasks, streamline complex processes, and manipulate data in more advanced ways. With these skills, you can become a key player in optimizing workflows and creating customized solutions across a wide range of industries.

Formation Microsoft Access
Enhance your proficiency in Excel VBA to unlock new professional opportunities!
Formation Microsoft Access

By learning the fundamentals of VBA programming, you can automate repetitive tasks, streamline complex processes, and manipulate data in more advanced ways. With these skills, you can become a key player in optimizing workflows and creating customized solutions across a wide range of industries.

About the VBA Excel Program
Immerse Yourself in the World of Excel VBA Programming
Explore the Fundamentals of VBA Programming
Master Control Structures and Loops
Effective Communication with the User
Get Ready to Develop Your VBA Programming Skills
The details of the Excel VBA Level 1 training

In this initial section, learners will discover how to record macros using the Macro Recorder, enabling them to automate repetitive tasks in Excel.

Participants will learn to navigate the Visual Basic Editor, understanding the Project window, the Code window, and the Properties window, enabling more effective management of their VBA code.

This part will cover the fundamentals of the VBA language structure, including variables and constants, variable declarations, different types of variables, procedures and functions, parameter passing, calling a procedure or function, executing a macro, step-by-step mode, and breakpoints to facilitate debugging.

Learners will acquire the skills to manipulate basic objects, focusing on selecting a range, resizing a selection, counting rows and columns in a range, and manipulating cell formatting to automate complex data manipulation tasks.

This section will concentrate on manipulating sheets in Excel, covering topics such as selecting a sheet, adding, deleting, moving, and copying sheets, renaming sheets, and counting sheets in a workbook for more efficient data management.

Participants will learn to manage workbooks, focusing on topics such as opening, creating, closing, and saving workbooks for effective data and VBA project management.

This part will cover conditional structures such as ‘If… Else…’ and ‘Select Case… End Select’ to enable learners to make decisions based on different conditions. Additionally, loops such as ‘Do… Loop Until,’ ‘For…Next,’ and ‘For Each’ will also be covered to automate repetitive tasks in Excel.

Learners will discover how to communicate effectively with the user using features such as the Msgbox function to display messages, Excel’s built-in dialog boxes to collect specific information, prompting for the name of a file or folder, and creating ‘Userform’ forms for more advanced interaction with the user.